When playing RDR I am completely immersed in the western world and culture that is such a staple to any western movie or novel. I don't frequently watch the old westerns that play from time to time on cable, but I have always had a special place reserved for the marshals, bounty hunters, and outlaws that have made the American-era such a draw for the entertainment industries. When I caught wind of RDR and its impending awesomeness that has been 5 years in the making, I was giddy and reserved at the same time. Other western-themed games have made their way to gaming consoles without much substance to back up the richness of the era they were based in. Red Dead Redemption not only fixes all of that, it takes the whole genre to a level that has to be played to be believed.
That being said...this game f***ing rocks! If you have read any of the reviews out there you should now by now that there is so much crap to do in this game its amazing. Everything about the game is amazing so far. My friends and I did find a few glitches that Rockstar is working on, but other than that I have no complaints. I don't expect to be reviewing this game any time soon since it will most likely take me weeks to complete. Talking 25+ hours in the single player campaign. Whew! Don't even think about putting the controller down after you finish the story because multiplayer is a whole other game in and of itself. I will be riding down this dusty trail for a loooooong time.
See you online!