Friday, August 27, 2010
Update: Left 4 Dead DLC "The Sacrifice" Due in October
Valve's weekly blog entry has indicated that the new DLC 'The Sacrifice' is set to release sometime in October and the digital comic will be here next month. They also say that the comic will be split up into 4 sections with each section detailing the background of one of the survivors. I always wanted to know why Francis hates everything.
By the way, this week's mutation is Chainsaw Massacre for 360 and Gibfest for PC players. They gave no hint to what the next mutation will be.
Everybody grab a weapon!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Joystiq's 5 Favorite Dead Rising 2 Weapons (so far)
The perks of being a gaming journalist for a game industry website are very apparent here. Richard Mitchell over at Joystiq has played DR2 enough to post what his 5 favorite weapons are so far. I had no idea some of these were in the game, and while its a tiny bit of a spoiler for me and probably for you there are many more where this came from. Here are the 5 favorites with pics from his article. You can read his descriptions in the article. Can't wait to get into this one! Woo!
The Power Guitar
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Guitar + Amp |
Electric Chair
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Wheelchair + Car Battery |
Flaming Gloves
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Motor Oil + Boxing Gloves |
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Severed Arm + Dynamite |
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Sledgehammer + Ax |
Awesome Mass Effect M8 Replica Gun
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Commander Shepard would be proud. |
BTW here are the Chaos Blades I spoke of. Temporarily out of stock at a cool $299.
Mafia II and Shank Reviews Flooding In
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The first mafia fight club. |
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Limbo with guns?! |
Yet another downloadable title for the masses is Shank. Available for 360 and PS3 it has some great reviews by Dtoid, Joystiq and IGN. Is it just me or has this month been the best month for DLC? Wow. Shank is getting solid reviews all around.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Zombie News No. 25
Most days I have time to spare and can post a few tidbits of gaming goodness for my fellow game zombies. Recently that spare time has been sparse because of my day job, but this will prove to be the biggest update so far in a Zombie News post that I have done. That being said, we should all make sure we get our daily intake of zombies and games much like the pyramid above suggests that real zombies have plenty of brains each day. Take a cue from a zombie and make sure you get your suggested servings lest you wither away into...well...a zombie.
Game News
The Left 4 Dead series is still alive, if that makes sense, and Valve has just announced that the new DLC is called 'The Sacrifice' and will be available for both L4D1 and L4D2. Which is cool because owners of the second in the series can play as the original cast from the first. Plus, the associated 150-page comic will supposedly tell us which direction this series is headed. Chet Faliszek of Valve went on the record saying "this is not the end, we will continue going on with this franchise into the future." This shold give us all more reasons to keep fighting off the hordes. Bring it!
Speaking of zombies...
The above video is of a Starcraft II mod using the game's Galaxy Map Editor. I know. Crazy right? An RTS game can be modded to look like a decent 3rd person space-zombie shoot em up. Cool eh?
In what is sort of a surprise, Ubisoft is releasing the next game in the Ghost Recon series on Wii and PSP this November. Co-Optimus has preview of it and says its really fun. This is great news for Wii fans. There is a shortage of quality tactical shooters on the Wii platform and my friends over at Coffee with Games has probably got this on their radar. Check this video out above. Seems like fun no?
Ahh yes...Lara Croft. The Tomb Raider of our fantasies is returning in a downloadable format and nix'ing the whole Tomb Raider title. Now it is just simply Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light. Don't let the different format and name fool you though because media hype has this as a quality title. Dtoid gave it a 9. Check it out.
More Videos!
Another Zombie game called Dead Nation looks like fun for PS3 owners. I dig the graphics.
If there is a Wii game exclusive that has caught my eye...its Epic Mickey. Here is the intro cinematic.
For Halo fans and the hotly anticipated Halo Reach releasing next month here is a new live-action short called Patrol.
Ok so that does it for the videos. Here are a few more things from the past week that I thought was worthy of note.
Portal 2 has a release date! Feb 9th 2011. Can't wait to get back in the lab!
Dtoid posted their preview of Call of Duty: Black Ops and so far they like it and are calling it a more mature CoD experience that still keeps the dial turned to 11.
Mass Effect 2 is coming to PS3 in Jan. 2011! This is great news for the RPG fanboys.
The excellent XBLA game Limbo has sold over 300,000 copies.
A good yet critical review of Monday Night Combat from Dtoid.
Two more indie games hit the Xbox live marketplace having to do with zombies. The jury is out on these two so check it out. Zombie Arena and Avatar Zombie Massager Extreme (yea strange name).
Finally Dtoid posted a bevy of screenshots from Dead Rising 2 that are just downright hilarious. My favorite is the one below and I will leave you with it and no explanation, just take it all in and wait for September 28th when it hits stores. Booya!
Monday, August 16, 2010
Zombie Review: Monday Night Combat
Game Review: Monday Night Combat
Platform: Xbox360 (Downloadable)
Released: August 10th
Hours Played before Review: 15 - 20 hours
*screenshots from
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Meet the team. |
When I first heard the name Monday Night Combat I was like "wha?" It sounded gimmicky to me. I must also admit that I thought maybe it was some cheesy Xbox avatar game with jousting sticks or something. After putting in around 17 hours of time into this downloadable (784MB) $15 Xbox Live title, I have come away smiling and I can't wait to get back in the arena.
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Ammo Mule Arena for Crossfire matches |
Monday Night Combat (abbreviated as MNC) has a simple menu with a colorful background and the typical MNC pre-game music that in my opinion sets the tone for a "Let's get ready to rumble" attitude. The subsequent game mode menus are clean, simple, and keep the eyes focused on the countdown timer and player lists. What is nice is that the developers included a How to Play section in each game mode menu and lobby menu that gives players a handy quick reference on the different classes of characters and what their strengths, weapons, and basic strategies are. I like it. Newbies should use it regularly especially when you plan to switch to another class between matches. Once in game, the presentation of the approaching match gives players a sweeping view of the arena, a very handy Pit Girl, and the announcer uses his best boxing ring voice to introduce the game. During re-spawns the game gives you the option to change class, view the scoreboard, or change between arena cams to view the action from high above or anywhere in between. I think the presentation was well done, and it never takes itself too seriously. Which is a good thing because the focus here is on the combat, the players, and the stats. The after match review is something most CoD MW2 players will appreciate. A summary of your kills, assists, deaths, and what pro-tags you earned during the match is all incentive for players to come back. The game has a good sense of humor too. With a ridiculous amount of sarcasm, references to bacon, funny in-game sponsors, and an attractive Pit Girl who builds turrets, you can smile at just about any point during a match. Overall, the presentation is exactly what it needs to be which is simple, funny, and informative.
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Bullseye is marked with an air-strike AND is being shot by two others. No wonder he hands out money. |
MNC lets you pick a character and tasks you with defending your team's money ball against bots or other player using your skills and building turrets. Bots are used in each mode of play. You can either play Blitz mode (local w/splitscreen or online with 3 friends) which throws waves of varying bots at you. Or you can play Crossfire, the most popular mode, and enjoy 6 on 6 team combat where players lead their team of bots to destroy the opposing team's money ball.
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The Gunner's deploy ability makes him more accurate, but vulnerable to Assassins. |
There are 6 classes to choose from in MNC. Each class has a main weapon, a secondary weapon, a grapple/melee and 4 skills to improve upon. Before the match starts your choices are: Assault - An all-around class with decent speed and attributes. This is a good one to start out with since he doesn't specialize in any one area of play. Support - This character has a heal/hurt gun as his main weapon and can really work behind the scenes. He can deploy a firebase (mini-turret) anywhere on the battlefield. Tank - Is a defensive player with a jet engine as his main weapon that seems to burn anything it touches. He is a bit slow, but is extremely effective at close range. Gunner - A slow moving brute equipped with a mini-gun as his main weapon. The Gunner is all about offense and can make life miserable for players and bots with his upgraded version. Assassin - This class should speak for itself. Stealthy and fast she can sneak up on Gunners and others with her dagger and deal an instant death blow. Sniper - This is the range fighter class with a powerful sniper rifle that pops heads, and the ability to plant traps around the map. In addition to the 6 default classes you can purchase custom class slots and choose 3 sponsors/perks (accuracy, armor, etc.) to apply. It doesn't create a vastly different character than the default ones, but you can mix and match the perks to see what you like.
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Standing by a fully upgraded Support firebase will heal you. |
I used the default control scheme and picked up the interface very quickly. I found no issues trying to memorize the button layout which is consistent between all classes. The weapons are nicely balanced and each class can upgrade their main weapon and various skills beyond the initial offering. The upgrades are per-match however and require money. The main thing players should worry about in MNC is money. When you aren't earning any you aren't winning. Shooting bots and other players nets you money as does shooting Bullseye, the game mascot, who drops a ton of it every match. Use this money to upgrade your skills up to level 3 and unlock some perks that can make the difference towards the end of a match. You can also use it to activate special traps around the arena that can destroy bots or force players off the map. Money is also used to build turrets. Around your team's base are several stations where turrets can be built, of which there are 4 types, and they can help defend your money ball from bots and players.
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Look closely to see the Assassin's cloak ability. |
Each class has its strengths and complement the team well. A Support player can walk behind a wall of Gunners or Tanks and keep their health up while assaulting a base. Assassins can sneak up behind a pesky Sniper and take him out so the rest of the team can advance. And while this is a team based game, a player who knows how to effectively use a class, can create real problems for opposing players. For instance, the Support class can cause major issues for moneyball attackers with hacked turrets, a strategically placed firebase, and well timed airstrikes. Snipers can be a headache, literally, and Assassins...the bastards....well lets just say it is rather satisfying when you finally put the smack down on one. I have seen games where a Sniper leads the way for their team, or where two Gunners wreck shop and decimate enemy defenses. I have had multiple games as the Support class (my favorite) where I had well over 20 kills 15 assists and led my team to victory without even getting near the enemy base. To top it all off, when you build up your juice meter and activate it you will glow for a short period of time and all of your skills will be temporarily upgraded. If you really want to bring home the bacon for your team then keep an eye out for Bullseye and give him what for because sometimes he drops bacon and that gives all of your skills a boost, including making you move faster, for as long as you stay alive. Believe me, having a juiced Gunner walk into your base is just bad news. I find this kind of balance between team and one-man wrecking crew refreshing, and it changes every time I play a match. It's all a very addicting and satisfying experience.
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A juiced Gunner will make short work of bots...and you. |
Replay Value and Bang for the Buck
MNC is most certainly replayable. The Crossfire mode is the highlight and with built in co-op/splitscreen support in local play or online you have even more reasons to keep loading MNC up. For $15 you get a lot of great gaming and with Uber Entertainment already stating they are planning for updates I have high hopes for continued improvements and features down the road. When you get tired of playing serious war FPS games you can lighten up and have a blast playing MNC with friends and so far there is no shortage of players online to do battle with in MNC.
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The Tank works best at short ranges. |
Overall - 8.5 (Game Zombie Favorite)
Now I have read a few reviews of MNC online since its release last week and its getting great scores, but I gotta say that the comparisons to Valve's Team Fortress 2 (TF2) is getting old. There are a lot of class-based shooters out there like Battlefield 2, Modern Warfare 1 and 2, Borderlands, Tribes, etc. and TF2 of course is one of the best that have come out. Seriously though, MNC stands on its own. I understand why people draw the comparison cuz of the cartoon style and simliar color scheme, but the game is markedly different once you jump in and sink your teeth into it. Plus it has bacon. Which is in a class of its own.
I found nothing wrong with this formula. Their are some minor gripes like not enough map variety, not enough customization, or the recent leaderboard hacks. One could even wish for more gameplay modes, but to me $15 for what you get is a bargain. I am having a great time with this game and I think Uber Entertainment did a great job. It fills a void for casual and hardcore gamers alike and creates a cult classic instantly. I just hope that we get more content for it this year! See you online!
Friday, August 13, 2010
Zombies are back in Call of Duty: Black Ops and the CE Edition Comes With RC Car
So for all you die hard CoD fans who purchased the Modern Warfare 2 Prestige Edition last year and wore the included night vision goggles to spy on the people next door, you will now have something slightly cooler to walk away with when you spring for the $149 Prestige Edition of Black Ops this November. Yes the picture above is of an RC car with a TFT screen built into its radio controller. That's right! Now you CoD loving zombies can actually go outside and play for a change! Ok that last comment was a little harsh (not really), but any geek will love this bundle. This is actually worth the $149 since you get a cool toy, but the jury is out on how well all of this stuff is designed and if it actually works well. The night vision goggles from last year were nothing to write home about and cheaply made. Not that we were expecting anything more than that.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Scott Pilgrim, Monday Night Combat Reviewed, Red Dead DLC is released and more
Okay two great downloadable games have releases this week and I already picked the one I will be getting. Have you?
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World released today and Joystiq posted their review today giving it much love and respect. Clearly we have entered the future of 8-bit retro gaming (huh?).
Monday Night Combat for Xbox Live is releasing tomorrow and I think its going to be a cult favorite. Once again Joystiq and IGN get their rocks of on it. I gotta tell you this game looks mighty fun for us LAN party junkies.
Also you might have know about some Red Dead Redemption DLC being released soon. Yeah well that day has arrived for the first ,the Legends and Killers pack, in a planned series of DLC for the epic western saga. It released today and includes the new tomahawk weapon. I most excited about this rather explosive fellow. I really need to buy this game.
Want to kill some time and have fun at work? Load up "Worm Food" a game that puts you in control of a worm that tunnels under the earth and terrorizes a primitive village. You can't help but think of the classic "Tremors" movie when playing Worm Food. Love those quirky movies.
Finally, this tidbit of news is great. A boy at a zoo drops his Nintendo DSi XL into a Gorilla exhibit and funny things happen. The best part is that after the ape does a number on the DSi one of the trainers returns it to him and it still worked! What a great opportunity for a PR rep from Nintendo!
More updates as deem worthy. Stay tuned zombie peeps.
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World released today and Joystiq posted their review today giving it much love and respect. Clearly we have entered the future of 8-bit retro gaming (huh?).
Monday Night Combat for Xbox Live is releasing tomorrow and I think its going to be a cult favorite. Once again Joystiq and IGN get their rocks of on it. I gotta tell you this game looks mighty fun for us LAN party junkies.
Also you might have know about some Red Dead Redemption DLC being released soon. Yeah well that day has arrived for the first ,the Legends and Killers pack, in a planned series of DLC for the epic western saga. It released today and includes the new tomahawk weapon. I most excited about this rather explosive fellow. I really need to buy this game.
Want to kill some time and have fun at work? Load up "Worm Food" a game that puts you in control of a worm that tunnels under the earth and terrorizes a primitive village. You can't help but think of the classic "Tremors" movie when playing Worm Food. Love those quirky movies.
Finally, this tidbit of news is great. A boy at a zoo drops his Nintendo DSi XL into a Gorilla exhibit and funny things happen. The best part is that after the ape does a number on the DSi one of the trainers returns it to him and it still worked! What a great opportunity for a PR rep from Nintendo!
More updates as deem worthy. Stay tuned zombie peeps.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Call of Duty Black-Ops Multiplayer Footage. Go Crazy!
OK so now that the trailer is out of the way and you are still glued to the screen here are a few things to take away from that video that will really make you pee your pants. First I want you to look at this screen shot of the crossbow. I LOVE that they included this in the multi-player. Adds some strategy to the different game types.
Second, the R/C car is just plain cool. I wonder if you come across someone using it on one of your teammates if he holding a little controller or if he is using a laptop like in MW2.

Lastly, and perhaps most importantly....this picture I nabbed from the trailer shows some recording and playback controls. Know what that means? The captain obvious answer is that this means you can now record your match, play it back, and share it via Live or the web.
I also spotted a ballistic knife? WTF!? I will leave it at that. Now go change your underwear!
New L4D2 Mutation is a Gib-fest
Thanks Valve. Just when I thought that slicing up zombies with a chainsaw that has unlimited fuel was bat-shit-insane fun you go and give me the mother of all L4D guns and unlimited ammo. Yeah, that's right. In the latest mutation for L4D2 devotees can play the aptly-named 'Gib-fest'. Gamers will be given M60 machine guns with unlimited ammo to mow down the infected with. If you own 'The Passing' (which you must in order to access the mutations) then you know of the M60 and its awesome flesh shredding power. I almost feel sorry for those zombie bastards. Almost.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Zombie News No. 24 + Name Suggestion Box
I bet the inventor of the Successories brand never thought that his idea of putting a great picture on top of a word that describes it, and then putting a little quip underneath the whole thing explaining why he chose that word, would ever take off like it did. Wonder what happened to that dude? Besides getting rich? The pic to the left here is what I always envisioned my basement looking like. I definitely have more work to do in that area!
So I have something for all my readers to ponder over. My blog is called Game Zombie and I honestly had no idea about the other Game Zombie sites out there. Go ahead and google it and you will see what I mean. There is even a facebook page for some other site that is run by a guy in PA. I love that people think Game Zombie is a cool name, but I value originality. So here is what I want you all to help me with. I don't like to follow the crowd and Game Zombie is a great description for this site, but now that I see these others out there I have to ask what other name could I use? Leave your suggestions in the comments below and in 2 weeks I will take your suggestions and a few my own and we will all vote on it. On to the news!
Game News
The Red Dead Redemption patch is live. Dtoid reports. Of all the bugs they fixed I would have left this one: Occasionally, the player would not recover from being drunk.
Batman Arkham City officially announced! This has been big news lately as most critics gave the first game high marks. I just beat it (late show) and I will have a mini-review up this weekend. I like the image on the cover of GI. With Catwoman being pictured here it has got the Co-Optimus guys nerding out on the premise that co-op could be in this next installment.
Ever hear of a game called Monday Night Combat? Well its a very well put together TF2-type game where you will have several classes to choose from to take into an arena for battle against another team. I think it shows alot of promise and being a downloadable game $15 it has a ton of replay value in it. Here is a great walk-through from the developers as they go through the game and show you that its all about a piece of bacon doing high-five with a shotgun shell.
Remember how many records Modern Warfare 2 broke last year? Yeah well Activision is saying this year's Call of Duty: Black Ops is on pace to smash that record. IGN reports. I am pumped up to play the game, but if it ends up being another glitchy multi-player mess I will be back on the boycott bus. I can already see the map-packs for this one costing $20. Oh and by the way, Wii owners will get their wiimote hands on this one too.
Codemasters announces yet another Operation Flashpoint game. This one is called Red River. According to the Dtoid report, this one is gonna have 4 player drop-in drop-out co-op with better AI all around. I was a huge fan of the original on PC, but mediocre showings afterwards have kept me from going back. This looks to be going down the co-op road like Ghost Recon is and that could be a good thing. Will keep an eye on this as it gets closer to a 2011 release date.
Cool Stuff
Dtoid had a link to this guys site that did some web-comics on Red Dead Redemption that, provided you played the game before, are just downright hilarious. If haven't played RDR it's still funny, but not as much. I highly recommend you check it out. I went through all of them that have been done so far.
Remember the funny looking heads you could slam on a zombie's head in Dead Rising? I found out today its called a Servbot head! Even better news is that Capcom is selling some! No not the ones you can wear, which would be cool to use as a prank on someone, but as a bobble-head! Dtoid has the scoop along with this pic.
Lastly, something to do with zombies (imagine that). I found a fellow blogger site and very talented artist named Rob Sacchetto who creates rather detailed and instantly mesmerizing zombie portraits of Hollywood celebrities. This one below is a disturbing version of Tiger Woods. Brilliant I say. Check out his site and pay your respects to a fellow zombie lover. Till next time!
So I have something for all my readers to ponder over. My blog is called Game Zombie and I honestly had no idea about the other Game Zombie sites out there. Go ahead and google it and you will see what I mean. There is even a facebook page for some other site that is run by a guy in PA. I love that people think Game Zombie is a cool name, but I value originality. So here is what I want you all to help me with. I don't like to follow the crowd and Game Zombie is a great description for this site, but now that I see these others out there I have to ask what other name could I use? Leave your suggestions in the comments below and in 2 weeks I will take your suggestions and a few my own and we will all vote on it. On to the news!
Game News
The Red Dead Redemption patch is live. Dtoid reports. Of all the bugs they fixed I would have left this one: Occasionally, the player would not recover from being drunk.
Batman Arkham City officially announced! This has been big news lately as most critics gave the first game high marks. I just beat it (late show) and I will have a mini-review up this weekend. I like the image on the cover of GI. With Catwoman being pictured here it has got the Co-Optimus guys nerding out on the premise that co-op could be in this next installment.
Ever hear of a game called Monday Night Combat? Well its a very well put together TF2-type game where you will have several classes to choose from to take into an arena for battle against another team. I think it shows alot of promise and being a downloadable game $15 it has a ton of replay value in it. Here is a great walk-through from the developers as they go through the game and show you that its all about a piece of bacon doing high-five with a shotgun shell.
Remember how many records Modern Warfare 2 broke last year? Yeah well Activision is saying this year's Call of Duty: Black Ops is on pace to smash that record. IGN reports. I am pumped up to play the game, but if it ends up being another glitchy multi-player mess I will be back on the boycott bus. I can already see the map-packs for this one costing $20. Oh and by the way, Wii owners will get their wiimote hands on this one too.

Cool Stuff
Dtoid had a link to this guys site that did some web-comics on Red Dead Redemption that, provided you played the game before, are just downright hilarious. If haven't played RDR it's still funny, but not as much. I highly recommend you check it out. I went through all of them that have been done so far.
Remember the funny looking heads you could slam on a zombie's head in Dead Rising? I found out today its called a Servbot head! Even better news is that Capcom is selling some! No not the ones you can wear, which would be cool to use as a prank on someone, but as a bobble-head! Dtoid has the scoop along with this pic.
Lastly, something to do with zombies (imagine that). I found a fellow blogger site and very talented artist named Rob Sacchetto who creates rather detailed and instantly mesmerizing zombie portraits of Hollywood celebrities. This one below is a disturbing version of Tiger Woods. Brilliant I say. Check out his site and pay your respects to a fellow zombie lover. Till next time!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
More Dead Rising 2 Stuff and Plants vs. Zombies comes to Live
This is what my blog does best. Talking about games and zombies at the same time. What's great about it is that there is no shortage of either games or zombies and having zombies in games or games about zombies. It just works that way. Developers know that zombies are extremely popular and hard working. OXM magazine had great coverage of our beloved walking dead in their latest issue. Even covered the types of zombies and what kind of work they were good for! Now that is what I call zombie appreciation.
So today I am posting about Plants vs. Zombies, an uber-popular tower defense type game from PopCap, and the recent announcement of it coming to Xbox Live for $15 on September 8th. I have played this game online and it was chock full of whimsy, fun, and zombies. It has a co-op mode that our friends at Co-Optimus have detailed, and Destructoid has posted a preview as well.
Now Capcom used a Japanese developer for the first Dead Rising game, but this time around they went with Blue Castle here on American soil and Shin Ohara from Capcom sat down with Gamasutra to discuss some of the tech behind the game. Co-Optimus has the full feature here. Most interesting to me was the part about displaying more zombies on the screen. Here is the excerpt:
[Gamasutra] You've got lots of zombies in the game now. How many zombies can you fit on screen?SO: Last year at Captivate we did a demo. We had a strip -- It was probably like 10 meters wide and 200 meters long. We filled it with about 7,000 zombies. After about 3,000, you can't really tell the difference because it fills up the screen anyway. Over 3,000, it ruins the experience. It's not a game anymore. We can show about 7,000 zombies if we wanted to, our technology is not limiting us. If the game only shows about 500 zombies or 1,000 zombies, that's not the game's limit. We have just enough so that people have fun with the zombies and the gameplay is rewarding.
Shin Ohara goes on to explain that the number of zombies in Dead Rising 2 is staggering, not overwhelming. They didn’t want players to feel like they were ever completely stuck, or the space too jam-packed that no one could move. You can deal with tight spaces by Zombie walking (over zombies' heads, as seen in the first game), attacking them, kicking them away, or there will be enough space to walk around them if you’re careful.
I will be interested to see how the game fares on the 360 with hundreds of zombies at once. I fully intend on taking on a horde of 100 at a time. Finally I have some webisode links to share with you. Remember the movie that was made based on this series? Well they released 3 episodes on Xbox Live that give us a sneak peak into the movie and its presentation. I will be watching them later tonight. I gotta see how this turned out!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Scott Pilgrim vs. Zombies! I had to post it.
Edgar Wright, who is directing the new cult movie Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, posted a video on his blog asking "What is the one thing that could make the new game even cooler?" The answer? ZOMBIES! So of course after catching wind of this from an Ubisoft tweet I am posting it. Hey it has zombies in it and that is like automatic for me. Natch!
Detailed Map of Dead Rising 2's Fortune City. Plan your trip now!
My excitement level for Dead Rising 2 just went up another notch. Above is a high-res image of the map for Fortune City where the zombie massacre will begin come September 28th. If you played the first game, you can tell right away how much bigger this place is compared to the mall. Brings a tear to my eye knowing that my playground for killing zombies will be this large. Click on the image to zoom in and look around. I can't wait to visit Ye Old Toy Box and High-Noon Shooting Range!
EA is evil. NBA Elite 11 will come with NBA Jam in HD
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An imminent boom shaka-la-ka |
NBA Jam is being released on the Wii October 5th. It's a full featured game with new modes and old modes and simple controls. This evil plan to entice the next gen console crowd into buying a simulation game like NBA Elite 11 just to get NBA Jam in HD is genius. The catch is that this HD version is not the full-featured one that Wii owners will get. Instead the HD version will inlcude the classic campaign (ladder style tournament), a play-now mode, and online play.
The evil I speak of is that those of us who were holding out for a release of NBA Jam on Live or PSN will now be tempted to buy NBA Elite 11 just to get NBA Jam. So instead of spending $15 or whatever for a possible downloadable version, we can spend $60 and get it with NBA Elite 11.
Is it worth it? Comment below.
Top Gun for PS3? "That's right...I am dangerous."
Well shake my nerves and rattle my brain! That old classic from our youth Top Gun is coming to a PS3 near you. When you say? In two weeks! Aug 17th it will be released on PSN for download by all of us 30-something gamers who fondly remember Maverick, Goose, Iceman, and Slider. A great flick still to this day.
Top Gun will have a single player campaign which is, get this, written by original screenplay writer Jack Epps Jr. (Cool and sad at the same time.) An online multi-player is also going to be available with up to 16 players and perhaps most importantly and certainly an absolute must have for this game is the licensed song "Danger Zone" by Kenny Loggins.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Starcraft II Review, Free Zombie iPhone App, and that's about it.
Yup. Not much going on in the gaming world that I find interesting. Hence the Dead Rising 2 pic above. Not that I am drinking, but I would be if I could. There is a mess of games releasing this month like:
Mafia II (Xbox/PS3) 8/24
Madden 11 (Xbox/PS3) 8/10
Metroid Other M (Wii) 8/31
Kane and Lynch 2 (Xbox) 8/17
And a list of good XBLA/PSN games coming out as well.
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (XBLA) 8/25 (PSN) 8/10
Castevania: Harmony of Despair (XBLA) 8/2
Shank (XBLA) 8/25 (PSN) 8/24
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light (XBLA) 8/18
Monday Night Combat (XBLA) 8/10
For those of you with iPhones, there is a wicked cool FREE app you can download and play called Zombie Shock. Search for it in the App Store and check it out. It's a great little app and for free its even better.
Other than that. Here is a Starcraft II Review from Destructoid. Which is topping the sales charts in the UK by the way. So until next time peeps! Keep gaming and keep it here for the best news. Oh and BTW if anyone is interested I can post a mini-review of some games I am catching up on with my PS3. I just beat Batman Arkham Asylum and next on my list is Uncharted 2 and Infamous. That is of course if GameFly doesn't decide to send me Alan Wake or Transformers first which will have a review when I finish it. So if you want to know what those games were like and what I would rate them....leave a comment and let me know.
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