So today's Zombie News E3 edition is chock full of goodness. I won't wast any time so lets get to it!
- Dead Space 2 gets a release date of 1/25/2011 and the people are pumped. Courtesy of G4TV here is a video of the gameplay demoed during the EA Press Conference.
- Dead Space 2 gets a release date of 1/25/2011 and the people are pumped. Courtesy of G4TV here is a video of the gameplay demoed during the EA Press Conference.
- Medal of Honor is looking good. Here is an E3 Multiplayer Trailer. Watch out COD.
- Kinect will require a separate power adapter for old 360 units. Old? Wait it gets better.
- Old Xbox 360s and Memory cards are being discontinued. Yup. Most of us are now proud owners of discontinued hardware.
- If you are planning on picking up a shiny new 360 soon. Check out Joystiq's HDD transfer kit impressions.
- Multiple game sites did un-boxing articles of the new 360 redesign. Dtoid did the best IMO. Worth a look.
- Dtoid posted new shots of Ghost Recon: Future Soldier. These look bad ass. Can't wait for beta.

- Sony's PlayStation Move will hit stores on September 19th and retail for $49.99
- Sony announces new Twisted Metal for PS3 slated for 2011 release. Flight combat included.
OMG! An old fave! They better do it right.
- For you DS fans; A new Professor Layton game is set for September 20th release. Great games. Only reason I own a DS.
- Here are some E3 previews of: Assassins Creed: Brotherhood , Fallout: New Vegas
Bulletstorm - This little gem is going to be on my radar. (insert evil laugh here)

The final E3 news is perhaps one of the biggest to come out of the conference yet. Valve is bringing GLaDos to the PS3. Yes that's right. Portal 2 will be releasing at the same time for PC, MAC, Xbox 360, and PS3. What's more is that the PS3 will be the only console to support Steamworks which is Valve's automatic update and downloadable content release mechanism. Check out Dtoid for more detail. Otherwise, watch this E3 Portal 2 trailer and stay with Game Zombie to get the only game news that matters. Natch!
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