Last night I almost made it through the entire campaign of new L4D2 DLC "The Passing" before having to go to bed. My review will be up this weekend, but so far this is a great addition to the zombie shooter. It's a little shorter than the other campaigns, but its extremely hectic and challenging on just the normal setting. You WILL run out of bullets. Besides being insanely and gleefully fun the new campaign is supposedly chock full of Easter eggs. No not the holiday kind, the game kind. Hidden little quips and objects that either reveal information on L4D2 story lines or pay homage to other games. For instance, the picture to the left (courtesy of
Game Focus) is a tip of the hat to fellow zombie game Dead Rising and its hero Frank West. By far the coolest one that the fellas at Game Rant found is a brief glimpse of the Midnight Riders tour bus. Watch the video below! (Thanks Keith)
Other than that expect to have a ton of fun on multiplayer too. With the mutations being updated every week (this week is Realism Versus) tons of fun can be had with friends with fresh ideas like Chainsaw Massacre where each survivor only has a chainsaw to fight with! Enjoy!
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