So it was almost a week since my last last post and while that is normally out of sync with what is typical I can honestly say that it may become a tad bit more likely in the near future. My wife hasn't gone into labor yet, but she is VERY close. On to the news!
Game News
Red Dead Redemption Multiplayer via IGN. In my top two once I restore my Gamefly account.
Little Big Planet 2 Confirmed! This is gonna be good. The first one was amazing.
Sniper: Ghost Warrior game locations revealed over at Dtoid. Still not sure about this one.
Naughty Bear gameplay trailers at Gamespot. For those of you curious about a homicidal teddy bear on a rampage. Read on.
Splinter Cell has been getting a ton of press and good reviews. Here is a short list:
PS3 owners could see SC:Conviction. Just a speculative rumor. It's not ruled out nor confirmed.
Free weekly DLC. Yup that's right. Ubisoft steps up and knocks one out of the park. Love it.
PSN updates moving to Tuesdays starting in May. I guess Tuesday's are just better?
Cool Stuff
IGN has neat SC:Conviction Guide. Meh who needs guides! Bring on the trial and error!
Console sales chart. Very interesting.
Mega-man mural made out of post-it notes. Sweet!
Video games are mildly sleep inducing. Duh!
Other News
Some bone-head almost gets shot for SC:Conviction publicity stunt. Yeah I said WTF to this one too.
Infinity Ward studio is a shadow of its former self. The studio is "Dead" according to an insider. Not surprising since 12 of their top developers have bolted.
Closing bits n pieces
So with big name studio Infinity Ward going down the proverbial toilet what do you think will happen to the Modern Warfare series? Will it fail miserably? Or will EA now have two stellar FPS franchises under its belt? On a different note, I am well in to my time with Splinter Cell now. So far its great and I can hardly put the controller down. Look for my review later this month or early May at the latest. Until next time peeps!
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