Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A super new Alan Wake trailer. Excited yet? You should be.

Remedy, the developer that brought us Max Payne, is set to release its next big thing. Maybe you've heard of it, it's called Alan Wake. Yeah so what if they named this game after the game's protagonist again? It's just their style. At least they don't name their main characters Cha-Chi or Buford. Alan Wake actually sounds cool. While its not an original idea for the crew at Remedy, it still works. The phrase 'Don't judge a book by its cover' comes to mind. So official word from the Alan Wake forums indicates that the team is officially done with the game and has passed certification. For good measure Microsoft has released a new 4 minute trailer on the game via Xbox Live, but I'm impatient and decided to embed the video below.

An extremely well done trailer. They do a great job of setting the scene without giving too much away. It actually draws me in and leaves me wanting more. Want more reasons to be excited about Alan Wake? Two words - Episodic Content. DLC for Alan Wake has been confirmed and has been dubbed as episodic in nature. Does that mean after the story in Bright Falls we can explore beyond? Only time will tell.

Getting excited about Alan Wake is easy for me for two reasons. 1) The psychological action-thriller this is tabbed as peaks my interest right off the bat. I love books, movies, and TV shows with weird and unexplainable events that keep you on edge. The psycho-action part...well that speaks for itself. 2) The gameplay is exciting and fresh. It brings me back to the first time I played the original Resident Evil and the feeling I got from exploring my surroundings and trying to put the pieces of the story together. The story is key.

May 18th is the Alan Wake release date. I don't know when, but this game will surely be in my library.

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