Sunday, August 22, 2010

Zombie News No. 25

Most days I have time to spare and can post a few tidbits of gaming goodness for my fellow game zombies. Recently that spare time has been sparse because of my day job, but this will prove to be the biggest update so far in a Zombie News post that I have done. That being said, we should all make sure we get our daily intake of zombies and games much like the pyramid above suggests that real zombies have plenty of brains each day. Take a cue from a zombie and make sure you get your suggested servings lest you wither away into...well...a zombie.

Game News

The Left 4 Dead series is still alive, if that makes sense, and Valve has just announced that the new DLC is called 'The Sacrifice' and will be available for both L4D1 and L4D2. Which is cool because owners of the second in the series can play as the original cast from the first. Plus, the associated 150-page comic will supposedly tell us which direction this series is headed. Chet Faliszek of Valve went on the record saying "this is not the end, we will continue going on with this franchise into the future." This shold give us all more reasons to keep fighting off the hordes. Bring it!

Speaking of zombies...

The above video is of a Starcraft II mod using the game's Galaxy Map Editor. I know. Crazy right? An RTS game can be modded to look like a decent 3rd person space-zombie shoot em up. Cool eh?

In what is sort of a surprise, Ubisoft is releasing the next game in the Ghost Recon series on Wii and PSP this November. Co-Optimus has preview of it and says its really fun. This is great news for Wii fans. There is a shortage of quality tactical shooters on the Wii platform and my friends over at Coffee with Games has probably got this on their radar. Check this video out above. Seems like fun no?

Ahh yes...Lara Croft. The Tomb Raider of our fantasies is returning in a downloadable format and nix'ing the whole Tomb Raider title. Now it is just simply Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light. Don't let the different format and name fool you though because media hype has this as a quality title. Dtoid gave it a 9. Check it out.

More Videos!

Another Zombie game called Dead Nation looks like fun for PS3 owners. I dig the graphics.

If there is a Wii game exclusive that has caught my eye...its Epic Mickey. Here is the intro cinematic.

For Halo fans and the hotly anticipated Halo Reach releasing next month here is a new live-action short called Patrol.

Ok so that does it for the videos. Here are a few more things from the past week that I thought was worthy of note.

Portal 2 has a release date! Feb 9th 2011. Can't wait to get back in the lab!

Dtoid posted their preview of Call of Duty: Black Ops and so far they like it and are calling it a more mature CoD experience that still keeps the dial turned to 11.

Mass Effect 2 is coming to PS3 in Jan. 2011! This is great news for the RPG fanboys.

The excellent XBLA game Limbo has sold over 300,000 copies.

A good yet critical review of Monday Night Combat from Dtoid.

Two more indie games hit the Xbox live marketplace having to do with zombies. The jury is out on these two so check it out. Zombie Arena and Avatar Zombie Massager Extreme (yea strange name).

Finally Dtoid posted a bevy of screenshots from Dead Rising 2 that are just downright hilarious. My favorite is the one below and I will leave you with it and no explanation, just take it all in and wait for September 28th when it hits stores. Booya!

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