-thanks to our friends at Modern Warfare 24/7 for letting us know
Here is the official post from @fourzerotwo at IW forums:
We've updated the PS3 & Xbox 360 version of Modern Warfare 2, including the
following fixes:
- Care Package, Emergency Airdrop, and Sentry Gun
marker grenades sprint speed normalized.
- Fix for "infinite care package"
- Sentry Guns: Improved placement detection, preventing cases of
Sentry Guns inside geometry.
- Model 1887: Bling using Akimbo and FMJ
combination now has same range and damage as non-Bling Model 1887s.
- Fixes
to prevent various XP hacks (including the prevention of negative XP)
Looks like my MW2 strike will be ending. Just in time for the weekend! w00t!
'bout bloody time!