Tuesday, February 23, 2010

When to stop playing video games.

I am attaching a video here and I want you to watch it. Then form your opinion and read my thoughts below.

Ok so what did you take away from that? Is he simply blaming games for his failures or is the person responsible and not the games? I tend to believe the latter. With all the different types of addiction out there, I just don't see videogames as a plausible form of addiction at least in the medical sense. Psychologically may make more sense, but even then videogames should not be blamed for an individual lack of willpower. Videogames, much like movies, are a form of artistic entertainment and expression. Vilifying developers for writing code is vastly different then dope dealers who sell crack or heroin on the street. Sure you can make an argument that while not as dangerous as a drug or alcohol addiction, videogames can be addicting. But blaming the videogames directly is unfair and truthfully I think it's unfounded. The guy in this video failed to realize the consequences of his actions, but he was still directly in control from the outset and while its a sad tale, I don't think placing the blame squarely on videogames is an accurate representation of his issues. I sense a deeper seated problem with videogames simply being his escape and excuse to not face it. While the same can be said about other addiction, the simple truth is that videogames don't kill you or make your body dependent on them.

The video does bring up some things I think are worth noting.

  • Our society now has technology everywhere we are and for the first time we have to choose if technology simply supplements our lives, or dominates it.
  • Playing video games is immensely more enriching when enjoyed with others next to you rather than playing in solitude and at the behest of human interaction.

I love to play games, but I know what's most important and when our son is old enough, he will too. Have fun everyone!


  1. Dear Game Zombie,

    I have watched the video and feel as though I must make a comment. I understand where this gentleman is coming from, but as of late I would say that gaming has indeed enriched my life. I used to sit home alone, depressed with no one to talk with. I was house-bound due to circumstances my special needs children, locked away with no outlet. Facebook was the first application to help bring community back into my life. Since joining the 360 community I now feel a sense of belonging that I've never felt before. I try to only play at night when my kids are asleep and it has brought me and my husband to a special place. We have a bond that we've never had before. I have also started losing weight since playing. The adrenaline from game playing replaces the void that food as once filled. I don't understand why American's are encouraged and allowed to watch 2-3 hours of television a night, yet gaming for the same time with fellow gamers is unacceptable? We need balance with all things in our lives and gaming is no exception. I do not believe all gaming is bad, but in moderation can be freeing and exhilarating. This is one Chickie that won't stop anytime too soon.

    The Chicken Dance Mama

  2. Thanks for commenting! I think its an important topic that needs to be discussed in order to have a healthy appreciation for games and life in general. You obviously have both! Bless you and keep on gaming!
