Halo Reach Beta on March 3rd - Its a multiplayer beta (of course) and anyone who owns ODST will get dibs on access to the beta. I was never really that big a fan of Halo. Blasphemous I know. But this one looks really good so far and is suppose to add some spice to the Halo formula. Anyone going to sign up for the beta? Let me know.
Left 4 Dead DLC - This is zombie related so pay close attention! Valve confirmed the new Left 4 Dead 2 DLC "The Passing" as having the old crew (Francis, Bill, Zoey, and Louis) meeting up with the new crew (Coach, Ellis, Rochelle, and Nick) for some apocalyptic fun. It will include single, multi, and co-op modes and new maps for survival, versus, and scavenge (my fav). It will also introduce a NEW co-op challenge mode to the mix. I'm not done yet! The original L4D is getting its very own DLC too! This content will follow the original cast down south to meet up with the others and will tie everything together. ZOMBIE OVERLOAD! *whew* Sorry, I just had a moment. Valve is really aiming high here. After being left for dead (pun intended) on the story elements and available DLC by fans angry about the release of the sequel, this a big turnaround. All I can say is "Pills here!" The fine folks at Destructoid are already serving up fresh screens (link) from their hands on with "The Passing." **Update** IGN is reporting an M60 machine gun as a new weapon in the game!
Dead Rising 2 New Screens - I dug through the screenshots and posted the only one that mattered. Yes. Yes those are definitely knives attached to those boxing gloves. Edward Scissorhands chopped up hair and bushes, Chuck here chops up....well....people. Your move.
Alan Wake Release Date and More -
Finally I am posting the release of the much delayed and much anticipated psychological thriller game Alan Wake. The only reason I decided to post this news was because for some odd reason, the game intrigues me. I like weird games with heavy story elements and solid gameplay. Alan Wake may just be the one that really surprises me this year. But we shall see. Release date is May 18th 2010.
Well that's it. That's what I thought was worthy of posting. I am actually quite proud of the fact that most of the news I posted is related to zombies. Yes I love zombie flicks (George Romero is a Legend) and yes there is a small morbid part of me that wouldn't mind killing zombies in the real world. Regardless, this is going to be a great zombie-filled year of gaming. In the meantime I will be playing through Bioshock 2 this weekend and if all goes well I should have a review up by this time next week. Stay tuned!
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